Community Action for Global Impact with Eden: People+Planet

At Eden: People+Planet, we understand that successful landscape restoration is only possible when local communities and key stakeholders are part of the process. By engaging with partners and communities every step of the way, we create tailored solutions that drive meaningful and lasting change for people and the land on which they depend. Our commitment to empowering communities is at the heart of our mission to build a sustainable future for both people and the planet.

The Role of Stakeholders

From local communities and governmental bodies to non-profit organizations and corporate partners, each stakeholder brings a unique set of perspectives, resources, and expertise to the table. By fostering strong relationships and open communication, we ensure that our landscape restoration projects are inclusive, equitable, effective, and aligned with the needs of those involved. This is the key to achieving long-term impact.

Collaborating with Local Partners

Local partners are instrumental in helping us understand and address the specific challenges and opportunities within each region. By working together, we:

  • Leverage Local Knowledge: Local partners provide invaluable insights into the cultural, social, and environmental context of the areas we work in, ensuring our projects are culturally sensitive and regionally appropriate.
  • Build Trust and Ownership: Collaborating with local groups who are directly impacted by landscape degradation fosters trust and a sense of ownership among community members, leading to greater community engagement and long-term success.
  • Enhance Capacity and Skills: Through training programs and direct support, we help local partners and communities develop the skills and resources they need to sustain restoration efforts independently, ensuring sustainable outcomes even after the project is completed.

Empowering Local Communities

Putting local communities in the driver's seat to envision their sustainable future is central to our approach. We believe that by empowering community members in every stage of our projects, we can create sustainable solutions that truly benefit those who need them most. This includes:

  • Community Involvement: We actively engage community members in the planning, implementation, protection, and monitoring of landscape restoration projects, ensuring their voices are heard and their needs are met.
  • Economic Opportunities: Our projects generate environmentally sustainable opportunities and provide important training, helping community members develop skills that lead to long-term economic stability and resilience.
  • Education and Awareness: We conduct workshops and educational programs to raise awareness about the importance of long-term restoration and environmental stewardship, giving communities the tools and knowledge they need to take an active role in protecting their natural resources and building a sustainable future.

Join Us in Making a Global Impact

Your support is vital to our mission of fostering healthy relationships between communities and the land on which we all depend. By getting involved, you can help us make a lasting positive impact on both people and the planet.

Get Involved in Landscape Restoration

Learn more about our landscape restoration projects and how you can contribute to a sustainable future.

Help support people and the planet, today.